Brittany and Bridget: Talking Toastmasters 666 0

Brittany and Bridget: Talking Toastmasters

Ellie Kasparie
/ Categories: Employee Spotlight

By: Isabel Cross

O’Shea’s very own Bridget Ingebrigtsen and Brittany Henton are here to spread the word about Capital City Toastmasters. This year, Bridget is the President, and Brittany is the VP of Public Relations for Springfield’s Capital City Toastmasters Club. Since 2020, Bridget and Brittany have been members of the club, which is an educational organization focused on leadership, public speaking, and communication. Through the practice of various speeches, individuals see improvement in their self-confidence, leadership, and business contributions.

O’Shea Builders and the Benefit of Toastmasters

At O’Shea Builders, being goal-oriented is part of the culture. Whether it be setting individual or company goals, public speaking is part of achieving those goals. That is why Bridget and Brittany went to their first Toastmasters meeting years ago.

Bridget says, “Three years ago, I identified public speaking as an area in which I could stand to improve and grow. In my role as Brand Director, I often give presentations or coach others who give presentations. I would advise others, ‘No need to be nervous’ — yet, I was just as nervous, if not more. I wanted to change that for myself and also help others overcome their fears.”

Toastmasters is a platform that allows individuals, like Bridget and Brittany, to cultivate their strengths and vulnerabilities. By gaining the courage to “find your voice,” Toastmasters intentionally practices interpersonal skills to make you a more confident speaker and leader within your organization. Brittany shares, “Since joining Toastmasters, I’ve learned how to use eye contact, pauses, body gestures, and other techniques to help myself remain cool, calm, and collected.”

Bridget agrees, “I’m not nearly as nervous about public speaking as I used to be. I have learned techniques that help me stay calm and focused.” Toastmasters utilize education and evaluation to improve public speaking practices. In doing so, strong communicators and leaders are able to achieve their professional goals.

Why Toastmasters?

Bridget and Brittany emphasized the warm welcome of Toastmasters; it is a place for young professionals or experienced managers. Brittany shares, “I enjoy that there’s absolutely no pressure to be a ‘perfect’ speaker. Everyone is there for the sole purpose to improve his/her speaking abilities while also supporting each other. Our members come from different backgrounds and speaking levels, which means we learn something different from each member.”

Toastmasters is a club for anyone looking to improve their public speaking or create a community. No matter who you are or what stage of your career you are in, there is something to gain. Bridget sheds light on the atmosphere at Toastmasters, “I love how we are all there to support each other. We always say, ‘You can’t fail here.’ If you make a mistake, you learn from it, and you try again! You are provided constant feedback about the good and bad, and you just keep trudging forward!”

Both Bridget and Brittany have been with O’Shea Builders for ten years. Being a part of Toastmasters has allowed both ladies to represent O’Shea Builders confidently. Communicating with clients and our community is a cornerstone at O’Shea. Brittany explains, “Being in Toastmasters translates to me better serving O’Shea Builders and our clients with a smile and confidence.”

Looking to Join?

Inspired by Bridget and Brittany’s Toastmasters involvement and leadership, they’d encourage you to check it out. “It is a commitment. We meet once a week for an hour by Zoom. Of course, if you need to miss it’s ok, but we all enjoy our time together so we try not to miss it. It’s a great group of people — all ages, different backgrounds — coming together to get better.”

For more information on Capital City Toastmasters, visit their website at


